29 oct 2011

Leyendas urbanas argentinas

La leyenda de las luces del coche:

Segun se comenta si vas por la noche solo en el coche y ves a otro coche sin luces no le hagas señas... con tus luces ya que en ese coche va una banda callejera y te persiguen hasta matarte,yo pensaba que era una tonteria, pero dicen que es cierto y ademas (Veridico) en una autoescuela de mi pueblo,habian panfletos advirtiendo de estos hechos de que de noche por las afueras del pueblo si nos encontrabamos a un coche sin luces no le hicieramos señas a los coches

El colectivero (enviada por Ignacio, desde Argentina)

Una noche en Rosario (provincia Argentina), enfrente del cementerio "El Salvador", un colectivero (chofer de ómnibus) de la línea "114" iba conduciendo de noche medio dormido, de pronto, ve impotente como una chica se le cruza velozmente frente al ómnibus y este la arroya.
El colectivero asustado por lo sucedido y lo tétrico de el lugar decide retroceder, esquivar el cadáver de la chica y escapar. Luego de unos minutos de ir a toda velocidad y no detenerse en sus paradas normales, completamente histérico ve por el espejo retrovisor, que la chica que había arrollado está sentada en el ultimo asiento mirándolo fijo y llorando.

Últimamente a Maria todo le salía muy mal

No tenía ningún éxito con los estudios, sus padres acababan de divorciarse y sus amigos le habían dejado de lado. Así que un día decidió suicidarse. Escribió una carta de despedida y eligió una soga para atársela al cuello. Empezó a temblar y le dio tanto miedo que al final decidió no hacerlo.
Ese mismo día había tenido una discusión con su mejor amiga, y pensó: 'Ojalá fuera ella la que estuviera aquí en mi lugar, intentando quitarse la vida, y ojalá lo consiguiese'.
Al día siguiente, cuando Maria entró en clase, se encontró a su amiga Noemí que, hecha un mar de lágrimas, le preguntó: '¿No te enteraste? Sandra se ahorco, dejo esto para vos. Era una carta. Ponía lo mismo que su carta de despedida, era idéntica, salvo en una cosa, al final decía:
Gracias por tus pensamientos. Estuve a punto de tirar la toalla, como tú, pero tus palabras me dieron ánimo para hacerlo. Sé que llevarás la culpa toda tu vida de mi muerte y te dolerá hasta el aliento por haberme matado. Tus deseos se han cumplido. Deseaste que ojalá lo consiguiera y así lo he hecho. Hasta pronto, amiga mía.
Pocos días después, Maria corrió la misma suerte, arrastrada por los pensamientos de su amiga,supo que la unica forma de callarlos era terminar con su vida.
Algunos dicen que todavía se escuchan los llantos de desesperación de estas chicas y saben muy bien que son los de ellas, por una sensación de frío que corre por el cuello de todo aquel que las escuche.

El Diablo en El Espejo (Pro. de Córdoba)

Esta historia ocurre en Villa Carlos Paz, y quien la cuenta afirma que le ocurrió al amigo de un primo suyo.
Estábamos todos tomando unas cervezas en un bar de mi ciudad. estábamos entre risas y tomando lo normal, cuando apareció un flaco moreno, con vestimenta gótica, de unos 21 años, como nosotros. Pablo, uno de mis amigos que allí se encontraban, lo saludó, puesto que eran amigos. Se sentó con nosotros y hablamos durante unas horas. Al cabo de unas, más o menos, 3 horas, el tema de conversación pasó a ser historias de miedo, como que ya había anochecido y nos encontrábamos ahora en un descampado. Nos contábamos historias terroríficas y acabamos realmente asustados. Entonces Geronimo, el pibe gótico, dijo que conocía una forma de ver al Diablo. Lo escuchamos, la verdad, con la misma atención de cuando te cuentan un chiste. El procedimiento que hay que seguir es el siguiente: (Textualmente)"En Nochebuena, justamente a las 12 de la noche, el Diablo hace la inspección en la Tierra, la única en el año, así que si queremos verlo tiene que ser ese mismo día a esa misma hora. Vete al baño, puesto que es el lugar más propicio para realizar el evento, y cerra la puerta. Encendé 12 velas, al poder ser negras, y cuando quede poco para que sean las 12, cerras los ojos y te paras frente al espejo. Manténlos cerrados hasta que quede solo una campanada de las doce que debe sonar. En ese segundo verás al Diablo en el espejo" Todos nos lo tomamos en joda, pero David, otro amigo, dijo que lo haría sin problema. estábamos a 20 de Diciembre, así que en cuatro días lo haría, solo pedía que hubiese un testigo, y que sería en su casa. Ese testigo fui yo. 24 de Diciembre, las 23:55. Todo estaba preparado y nadie nos molestaría. Entró David solo, yo tengo mucho miedo a esas cosas. Se cerró la puerta y esperé sentado afuera. Las campanadas sonaron, y yo estaba al acecho de que alguien estuviese espiando para darme un susto, pero no pasó nada. Suspiré, aliviado, llamé a David. No contestó. Atemorizado, abrí la puerta de un golpe, y lo encontré en el suelo, agarrándose el corazón. Y en el aire se olía el inconfundible rastro del azufre. Llamé a la ambulancia y se lo llevaron al hospital.
Le diagnosticaron un infarto al corazón a causa de un sobresalto, una crisis nerviosa. Yo no pude dormir durante meses, hasta que fui tratado por un psicólogo. Cuando por fin David se recuperó, me dijo a mí sus primeras palabras: "Lo vi. . . Tengo mucho miedo"
Ahora ya conseguí dormir, pero David no es ya el mismo. Recuperó algo de su vitalidad, pero aún se le nota muy apagado, triste. Dicen que es porque el infarto lo deja a uno mal. No fue eso: fue lo que vio en el espejo. Y estará así hasta que se muera.

23 oct 2011


You know? I HATE that’s fucking night when I’m awake and I started to think, I star to think and I get sad, I hate that, now more than ever cause I’m living it, all started when I discussed with my grandmother cause I hate when my cousin comes and I can’t be wherever I want in my own house, that’s crazy , so I decided to stay here in my kitchen, I turned the music on I ate ice cream and then I started to do that fucking work I supposed to did it today, and then I heard a song, which made me think, what would I do I my grandma died? Somehow I didn’t wanted to think about it, people always ask me that and I just answer I ll do everything for not to change anything and still living where I’m living now, but that’s just something I decided long time ago, not a notice, but when I really started to think about I realize, and I don’t now, what the hell would I do without her? She’s been always there for me, of course we have our fights, everyone does (why I’m crying while I wrote this?) and of course I know how to cook, clean and all those things, but I realize I wouldn’t do anything, not because I don’t want to, just because I couldn’t handle it. So what? Its normal to feel like that, right? So why I started to care about her, get worry about her, it really worry about what could happened to her, I don’t want to lose her, I don’t want to, I love her, how I couldn’t, how long it’s been since I said it to her? It’s not the first time I feel this way, I remember it, remember when I was younger and I used to cry at night because I was afraid , afraid to lose her, and all my thoughts were please don’t leave me alone, about what I was afraid? Of loneliness or because of her, maybe, maybe people don’t miss people, maybe what they miss is the empty place someone left, maybe they don’t even miss something, maybe they are afraid, afraid of the future without that person, afraid of loneliness, and maybe they aren’t, maybe it’s just me, who can’t be a fucking minute alone in silence with her feelings and thoughts maybe it’s not sadness what I feel, who knows whatever it is, don’t let me breath, it’s hard to me, but it won’t kill me, and I have to learn how to deal with it. maybe we are just like kids, when they took them something away they start t cry.no one know if it because they want it or is it cause they don’t know how to deal with it, but they does they cry, they cry until they forget it. maybe there’s the secret, the one every one of us have been using but no one’s know it, maybe people have to forget to live.
Today I woke up and I felt myself empty, and I thought it will past, I saw the Simpsons, one of my bff called, I didn’t know if I should say to her or not, I didn’t, she called again, and I didn’t, she called again and I talk not with her, with my other bff who was in her house, a fact which only made me felt fall apart, even more, I wanted to talk about what happened the last Friday, I went to see paranormal activity with 3 friends, and I felt so out of place, I wish I could say “I don’t give a shit” but I do, they say I want to be the Centre of attention ,technically they are right, just technically, cause I want to be the Centre of attention of my group of friends ,I’ve always was, but if there something I hate its be the Centre of the world I just can’t handle it. But no matter the way I see, that day I had a fuking feeling which I can’t stop think about it, july, Lourdes and me we were bff since last year we said we will be forever, but that day I knew it won’t be that way, I, I just knew that, that was the beginning if the end, I can’t stop it. The people who pass by your life, those moments, they won’t ever last, they will go away, all of then, at the end you will be alone, alone with those memories , that memories what make you remember the days of happiness, even those days you said were the worse day ever, why? The present its always better than the future, as the future is worse than the past worse than the present. Life is short, people shouldn’t waste their time, but they does. Life it’s like a monopoly every decision you take will change the future, you decide your future, but you don’t take care of it, no until something bad happens, this is the way it will be.
I’ve already finish skins, for second time, anyway I realize about something everyone sleeps with everyone, they are a group of “friends” 8 or 9 I think, but what its like they are not really friends, they don’t act like that, I don’t get it, maybe it’s the culture, no one can trust in anyone, its kind of weird I wouldn’t live like that but at the same time I did ,and yeahhhhhhh I finished that facking work for school, and im not shore july did it by herself I mean she asked me like 12 times per question but who knows I would be wrong, and I saw a movie which to be honest y can’t remember the name, but it was about a men who worked for the army and he was in a mission with his best friend but he died, 7 year later a man come to see him and he said the president of the usa will be killed, they asked to helped him , and what he had to do was , think how he would kill the president but, that weren’t really their intentions , it was good, the movie shows you, the corrupt way of the law and how people do what they want just cause they have power.

find me

Time has pass, I’m not the same girl i was in the 2009, where did she go? I wish I could find her, and I know it not possible, I’ve always loved English but I never thought I I’ll get to the point I couldn’t express myself in my own language, it’s like I can’t say it at least not in Spanish, what happened to me? I want to go back in time , I remember those days when I was thinking life is a shit when I used to cut myself for everything, stop eating and troth it up everything I ate, I thought I was stronger, but I wasn’t , of course I had problems, which were made by me, why did I had to screw it up?, who cares , what I’m talking about is, used to know everything how to act in the exactly moment, I controlled people to make them do what I want, and better than that no one’s realize about what I was doing, somehow looking back all it seems so perfect, it was some kind of perfect with him the only one who I really care someday, I could say the problem was me, anything about that, there weren’t problems which involved people who wasn’t me, I lie, of course it were, but I didn’t care ,no really, they don’t affected me. That’s past tense, why should I care about it? I don’t know but I do, I used just to write sentences, no questions, what happened with that, am certain I know everything, so why do I ask?, I think I just I can’t accepted , somehow it’s like if I do I have to solve it, I know I will, but what the hell would I do without problems, life it’s about make steps and steps, but what if there’s no more steps to do? What should I do? Life wouldn’t have sense to me, shall I died? No, I guess. It’s been a long time since I wrote for last time a year I think, a lot of things has happened, and this is a new star, writing, but it’s not cause I want, cause the other document where I was writing its somewhere I can’t go in there. I decided to wait until I can, well I couldn’t, I just can’t trust people but if I don’t talk I know I’ll get mad, and I know there’s no one better than me to advise me, no one. People can listen, but they don’t really understand you, they don’t care , they can said they will be there and that’s just faked, they make a lot of promises without sense and they don’t keep them.so what the hell should I do then? Fuck then all? No, I don’t think so but I don’t know how long I can be that way.
Today… what did I do today? Just nothing, well I’ve been downloading anime and some yanki series , I’ve been watching skins, the best serie ever, and I started to think, when I was younger when I first saw it, I wanted life to be that way, but the other people don’t, I guess they were too young, but now, all people are that way and I’m like, are you serious? What they are doing what they want to do I’ve already done it, so what? They are different to me, and being honest I don’t really know if I want to be with them. I have to do A LOT OF HOMEWORK but I just can’t make up my mind, like something don’t let me do that, but I I guess it’s me.